The latest version of MySQL Server, 8.3, has been available as a General Availability (GA) release for a while. And in case you have missed it, here is a brief recap of the newly available features and enhancements alongside some deprecated and removed functionality. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look.
Read in full:
Prepare to upgrade
Before upgrading, take note of the following simple yet helpful tips:
Make sure you have established root access to your MySQL Server
Back up your databases beforehand, just in case
Examine the available upgrade paths to make sure yours is supported
Review the deprecated and removed features; if you are using them, you may want to reconsider upgrading or introduce corresponding changes to your MySQL Server
Review the deprecated and removed variables to make sure the upgrade does not affect them
In case you use replication, check the corresponding section
Take a look at the upgrade best practices, you might find some of them useful
Last but by no means least, perform your upgrade on a test environment first to verify that everything works correctly, and only then run the upgrade against your production server